Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SHOWING exaples

Telling: I was excited.

Showing: It was was a beautiful summer day in florida. Bright, sunny skies and seaguls circling overhead. I Probably didnt notice that though because i was in line for The Hulk. The roller coaster towered above me. It was terrifying. I moved farther up in this near endless line. up flights of stairs and down hallways. I heared the roar of the coaster as it left the station. i was so nervious and yet so excited. i was finally there, in the front of the line. With my heart pounding i board the coaster. it was a wonderful feeling.

Telling: I was bored

Showing: It was just like any other school day and I was getting into my regular rutine. It was study hall and I remembered I had to type up some homework for my english teacher, Ms.Stein. I was so tired and could not gather the energy to think and get the assignment done. My eyelids felt heavy and I would've rather slept the whole period.